
Clan Cian 2002

Clan Cian at the Seattle,Wa St Patrick's Day Parade March 16 2002

Todd Hall relaxing after the parade

National Tartan Day Apr 6th Puyallup Fairgrounds,Wa Next year it will Apr 5th.

Chuck Rudd at the National Tartan Day Gordon Tartan Ball

Clan Cian at the First Annual Tri-Cities Games at Pasco,Wa. Now I know where Pasco is.

Opening Ceremonies at the Tri-Cities Games

Kathi and Clive with Debbie barely in the picture at Pasco with some husbands who rather find a real beer garden.

Debbie and Kathi with husbands, Clive is hiding behind Kathi.

Clan Cian Booth at Pasco Tri-Cities games.

Clan Cian Booth at Tacoma Wa Games

Clan Cian Banner and the quilt that is up for raffle notice the Clan Cian
on the bottom.

Our own little lass Kristina helping out in the mess hall.

Brian Studying his lines or is he laughing at them
Notice the Cian Great Kilt

The men's Kilt walk your own chieftain got best legs award

The Men of Girth ( Knights of the Girth ) Singing a sheep song to the tune of